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How Sex and Gender Analysis lead to Discovery!

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vendredi 30 jun 2017
Rectorat - Directement rattaché au rectorat

“Gendered Innovations” is receiving increasing attention by research funding bodies on European and national levels. In her workshop, Londa Schiebinger from Stanford University, the leading scholar on gender in science, will show how by including gender and diversity perspectives in research can improve and innovate science. Employing case studies from various disciplines, she will show how including gender analysis in research can save lives, eliminates bias, and lead to new discoveries.

Program of the meeting

12 :15 Welcome

Henri Bounameaux, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva

Brenda Kwak, President of Equality Commission, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva

Brigitte Mantilleri, Director, Equal Opportunity Office, University of Geneva

12:25 Key speaker

Gendered Innovations in Health & Medicine

Londa Schiebinger, Professor, Stanford University

Followed by interaction with the expert: How to include gender in your own research

13:30 Inputs from Switzerland : Good practices on Gendered Innovations

Is gender meaningful? Testimony...

Antoinette Pechère-Bertschi, Professor, Faculty of medicine, University of Geneva

Integrating a gender dimension in clinical research and teaching

Carole Clair Willi, Privat docent & Senior Lecturer, University of Lausanne

Joëlle Schwarz, Project Officer, R&D Centre, Medical Outpatients' Clinic, University of Lausanne

Gender Dimension in Research Proposals: the role of EPFL’s Research Office

Caroline Vandevyver, Senior Lecturer, Head of the Research Office, EPFL