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Human Rights & Gender: Multiple Realities of Discrimination

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mardi 27 jun 2017
Rectorat - Directement rattaché au rectorat

Panel Discussion with:

Dr. Sara L.M. DavisCoordinator
Course on Sexual Violence
CERAH Geneva

Dr. Claudia Garcia Moreno Esteva
Department of Reproductive Health and Research
World Health Organization

Dr. Katarzyna Grabska
Global Migration Centre
Graduate Institute Geneva

Dr. Solène Morvant-Roux
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Geneva

Dr. Mariama Williams
Senior Programme Officer
South Center


Héloïse Roman
City of Geneva

Opening Speech:

Prof. Yves Flückiger
University of Geneva

Prof. Michelle Cottier
Faculty of Law
University of Geneva

In recent years, several international events have confirmed that gender issues intersect different segments of society: economics, law, public policy, finance, health, security policy, environment, migration, peace policy, etc . International and non-governmental organizations have been confronted by multiple concrete instances of discrimination related to gender and/or sexuality, and have developed the know-how required to respond to them.


At this round table, professionals and academics who apply gender perspectives in their work and research will reflect on three main areas: How do they integrate gender approaches into their profession or research? What are the difficulties encountered in integrating gender issues in their practices? Finally, with gender equality figuring among the objectives of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , what strategies must be developed in order to achieve that objective?


Based on their professional experiences, the participants will demonstrate that gender is a field of work and research that touches on multiple domains, and that its potential has yet to be fully explored.